About UsWelcome 1620Solutions


1620Solutions.com offers a evolutionary processing solution for industries which experience financial censorship such as Cannabis which includes both hemp and MJ.

1620Solutions.com provides our clients with a custom developed, one-of-a-kind solution by GrowHempColorado.com and collaborating third party developers.

Evolutionary Processing Solution using Bitcoin

1620Solutions makes accepting Online Payments using Bitcoin (aka Cryptocurrency) payments a simplified and secure process. Payments made using Bitcoin for your goods or services are automatically "exchanged" into receivership denominated in US dollars, and then transferred from your Bitcoin wallet (mobile or web based options) to our customized physical plastic (not hemp plastic yet!) Visa credit card that can be used anywhere Visa cards are accepted.

Every 1620Solutions account is managed by a US-based Account Manager to ensure client success and satisfaction from setup, to sales, to transfers awhile providing answers to any other questions you may have in the process. Our aim is to bring the most seamless experience possible while placing a great emphasis on discretion and security.

Our founders are hemp farmers that soon realized that traditional processing and banking services are not viable solutions for our respective businesses, and have vested interest elsewhere, despite the favorable legal landscape that has emerged. Thus, we decided to provide the members of this Industry with an innovative solution.

Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is a concept not many are presently familiar with, but the benefits of it as a Transfer, Payments, and Settlements network are gaining a great deal of traction from the Financial Technology Industry. We believe there is a reason for that.

Bitcoin is a digital currency but with a physical value redeemable for good and services, it can be converted to US dollars to meet the Client's or Businesses' needs. In our Modern Era a 'Digital Currency Revolution' was inevitable, and we are proud to be able to share what we truly believe is a Revolutionary advance in the History of Money.

We welcome any interaction from the community to help us increase adoption and refine this technology to better serve our Industry's needs.

1620Solutions offers a simple part open- source, part proprietary-solution that utilizes Bitcoin as our core processing-exchange platform. We believe this is a key component in the rebuilding of the Industrial Hemp revolution that has been stifled for so long in the US.

Even though we are currently the sole turn-key, developed solution using Bitcoin for the Cannabis Industry, we are not the only way to use Bitcoin so we encourage you to explore your own unique ways to integrate Bitcoin buying and selling. We can help getting you started, so contact us today!

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